
Bjois Devblog- 3rd week of October

Finally through the 'bug' pile... From here we have a stack of tweaks and minor fixes that still need implementing. They grow more complex with each day, but we are nearing the end.

Once this patch goes live, there most likely will not be any new updates to the demo, unless someone finds a new crash that has not been brought to our attention.

Bug Fixes

++> "Position rounding" - Stray position rounding caused speeds with a decimal (such as 2.5) to be technically rounded. Ez fix.

++> "Bodyguard system" - higher priority, closer follow. They would previously give goop to the bjoss, get wanted for “organized crime”, then “act natural” was higher prio than bodyguard. Now bodyguard is the highest tier, except GOOP.

++ "Bad Spawns" - Fixed a bug related to the spawn timer.

++"Bored Corner" - Fixed a bug where the "Bored" state was being set without giving coordinates, causing them to either go to their last position, or to -1,-1. Fixed.


++> "combat ranges" - made the range check for combat function in a better way

++> "Bjoss Speed" - Made em faster, found rounded speed and bug fixed that too.


++> "Titles" - added like 15 new titles for the main menu

++> "Danger Necro-furniture" - Danger Necromancers can now furnish their lairs

++> "Cinema Flickering" - accessibility option to remove some flicking lights from the cinema filters

Fixed (in theory)

++> "crime severity" - crime severity was not being set correctly when doing crimes of different severity back-to-back. This is functioning better now (we think).

++> "shoot_ok" - buggy checks for if bjois can shoot, seems to have stopped after the skeleton stun bug got fixed


++> "spawner manipulation" - a bjoi always spawns exactly 3 seconds after a load. decided that this is fine actually so go nuts.


Bjois Demo 8 MB
Oct 24, 2023

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